Who We Are
The Denise Roberts Breast Cancer Foundation (TDRBCF) is a 501 (c) – (3) nonprofit organization, which exists to change the consciousness of women and men of color, to one of health and self-awareness. TDRBCF exists to change the perception of breast health awareness to one that has little to do with age or gender – to one of understanding that acts as a mighty bridge over troubled waters. We strive to touch the underserved community in a way that replaces fear with knowledge and empowerment.
TDRBCF offers free counseling and breast screening for uninsured minority women under 40
In its 11th year, TDRBCF stands firm on its goal to have a greater impact on Los Angeles and surrounding underserved communities in regards to Breast Health Education and early cancer detection. TDRBCF offers free counseling and breast screening for uninsured minority women under 40 years old, five days a week.
TDRBCF targets minority women under 40 years old despite the fact that just under 7 percent of women in this category are diagnosed with breast cancer. Many women under 40 assume they are too young to get breast cancer and tend to assume a lump is a harmless cyst or other growth. In addition, some health care providers also dismiss breast lumps in young women as cysts and adopt a “wait and see” approach. Moreover, the length of time between an abnormal mammogram and the follow-up diagnostic test to determine whether a woman has breast cancer is more than twice as long for minority women as it is for white women.
TDRBCF has succeeded in planting a seed in the underserved community, serving nearly 2,000 women and men with mammograms, tele-support, and breast health education, yet with limited resources.
TDRBCF has impacted thousands of minority women and men through its breast health programs. The goal is to educate, provide mammograms and refer millions of minorities.
Help us raise awareness
Today, TDRBCF implores your support to help us water that seed. With your support, our goal is to effectively change our good program into a great program, one that gives all women and men, particularly those of color, access to unlimited breast health resources.
TDRBCF invites you to help us continue to raise awareness by spreading the message that people should not subscribe to the inclination that health consciousness begins at age 40. With your help, we will not only plant the seed, but we will also water it, and watch breast health awareness grow!
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